Magdalena Gschnitzer

Transparenz schafft Vertrauen!
Wer könnte wohl besser über den wichtigen Einsatz für diese Welt Bescheid wissen, als jene, die genau diesen Einsatz täglich vor Ort leisten?

Im SANUSPLANET Podcast findest du neben spannenden, lustigen und auch emotionalen Geschichten der Gründer*innen von Organisationen auch Interviews mit bekannten Persönlichkeiten und tollen Aktivist*innen. 

Ein Podcast, der unter die Haut geht. 

Jeden 2. Mittwoch ab 6:00 Uhr gibt es eine neue Folge für dich. Weil unsere Interviewgäste nicht immer deutschsprachig sind, wird der Podcast manchmal auch in englischer Sprache stattfinden.


Transparency creates trust!

Who could tell us more about the needed change for this world than those who actually do create it every single day?

The SANUSPLANET Podcast provides interviews with exciting, funny and emotional stories from the founders of the organizations we support, as well as interviews with great activists and well-known personalities that do act for this planet.

A Podcast that shakes you up.

Every 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 a.m. there is a new episode coming out for you. The Podcast episodes switch between german and english speaking guests.  

"Promoting sustainable land management with the mission to make all persons of the community champions of sustainable development."

This is the goal of the Treescape Planet Organization and also the goal of Maggy's podcast guest today - Bonnita Tukwatanise, program coordinator at Treescape Planet. 

This environemental NGO believes, that trees are mother earth’s way of showering us with love, showing us beauty & teaching us how important it is to be self-sustainable.
Since its foundation in 2020, over 5,370+ trees have been planted in Uganda. All trees are planted directly by schools and local farmers and bring environmental, social and economic benefits to their communities.

Treescape Planet Organization is one of the organizations that was listed in the November voting on our SANUSAPP and therefor being supported by the SANUSPLANET Foundation. How much of a difference planting trees creates in Uganda and what challenges the organization faces, you can discover in this podcast episode. 

Check out the newest episode no. 102 now!

The team of the SANUSPLANET Foundation wishes you many new insights

If you want to learn more about the Treescape Planet Organization or maybe even want to support it in one way or the other, visit their website or follow them on their social platforms:

If you want to read some of the articles about Treescape Planet, check out the following links:

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