Magdalena Gschnitzer

Transparenz schafft Vertrauen!
Wer könnte wohl besser über den wichtigen Einsatz für diese Welt Bescheid wissen, als jene, die genau diesen Einsatz täglich vor Ort leisten?

Im SANUSPLANET Podcast findest du neben spannenden, lustigen und auch emotionalen Geschichten der Gründer*innen von Organisationen auch Interviews mit bekannten Persönlichkeiten und tollen Aktivist*innen. 

Ein Podcast, der unter die Haut geht. 

Jeden 2. Mittwoch ab 6:00 Uhr gibt es eine neue Folge für dich. Weil unsere Interviewgäste nicht immer deutschsprachig sind, wird der Podcast manchmal auch in englischer Sprache stattfinden.


Transparency creates trust!

Who could tell us more about the needed change for this world than those who actually do create it every single day?

The SANUSPLANET Podcast provides interviews with exciting, funny and emotional stories from the founders of the organizations we support, as well as interviews with great activists and well-known personalities that do act for this planet.

A Podcast that shakes you up.

Every 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 a.m. there is a new episode coming out for you. The Podcast episodes switch between german and english speaking guests.  

Episode 85 - Compassionate Care - Transforming Lives through (Con)Action | Martha Athanassiou

Co-Founder S.C.A.R.S. (Second Chance Animal Rescue Society)

2024-04-24 44 min

Have you ever thought about how hard the live of stray animals can be? It's not an easy world for them, especially for those, who are disabled. 
Today Maggy interviews Martha Athanassiou, co-founder of the NGO S.C.A.R.S. (Second Chance Animal Rescue Society) from Greece about their important work. 
Since a while, the SANUSPLANET Foundation also supports S.C.A.R.S. financially, so this podcast episode will give you a quite good view on what is done with the donations. 
S.C.A.R.S., like many NGOs, started as a group of volunteers with experience, love and respect for animals and their rights in an urban environment. No employees, no shelters, these volunteers give their own homes and use their own money to help and protect animals in emergency situations. Raising awareness and spreading the concept of love and caring for animals is as important to them, as providing food, medical care and treatments of any form to animals in need. 

You can help S.C.A.R.S. by donating to their work, by fostering a stray animal until a forever home is found, by spending your time promoting their work and in many other ways.

To get to know more about this amazing NGO, visit:

Thanks to you being part of SANUSPLANET, we can support to NGOs like this one, doing incredible work to make this world a better place for all. 

And now enjoy listening to the podcast🌱

Your team of the 

More episodes

Trailer 84 - Von Pferden und Herzenswärme - Zentren der Heilung für Tiere und Kinder | Amrei Köhler

Trainerin für vertikales Reiten und Gründerin des Tier- und Kinderheilcenters "ARKADIEN"

2024-04-10 48 min

Wenn du an Reitkunst denkst, was kommt dir als erstes in den Sinn? Wahrscheinlich sind es jene Bilder, wo Pferde darin dressiert werden, eine Haltung einzune...

Episode 83 - Healing through connection - How sanctuaries transform lives | Indra Lahiri

Founder of the Indraloka Animal Sanctuary

2024-03-27 41 min

Have you ever been on an animal sanctuary yet? Today Maggy interviews the founder of the Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, Indra Lahiri.  Already as a baby Indra h...

Episode 82 - Lead from Within - Kraft der inneren Führung für Changemakers | Dr. Matthias Hombauer

Mentor für Changemakers & Gründer von LEAD FROM WITHIN

2024-03-13 44 min

Wann warst du das letzte Mal so richtig glücklich über das, was du tust? Hattest du schon mal einen Moment, in dem du dachtest, es ist an der Zeit, dein Lebe...