Magdalena Gschnitzer

Episode 1 - Rising from Despair: Supporting Ethiopia | Claudio Maneri

Founder of Fondazione Butterfly Onlus

2021-06-11 34 min Magdalena Gschnitzer

Description & Show Notes

Welcome to the first episode of the SANUSPLANET Podcast.
This podcast will provide background informations from the organizations, that get financially supported by the SANUSPLANET Foundation.

SANUSPLANET can support organizations worldwide, because of your help and we believe, that our supporters deserve the biggest transparency. At the same time we want to share the stories of the founders of organizations and the reasons of activists and other amazing people, that act for this world.
We hope their stories inspire you for positive change as much, as they inspire us.

For the first episode we have been able to interview Claudio Maneri, the founder of the Fondazione Butterfly Onlus.
Over the years, the Foundation has fought to meet underdeveloped regions immediate needs to lay the bases for self-sustained growth. The main intervention areas are access to water, access to education, health care and remote support families and children in need.
So far the Foundation realized 40 schools, drilled 283 water wells and supported 6 clinics in Ethiopia.

Get to know more about Claudio and his beautiful organization under

If you want to donate to the Fondazione Butterfly Onlus, go to:

To get to know more about the SANUSPLANET Foundation, go to:

You can find the Video version of the SANUSPLANET Podcast here:

Thank you from our hearts and enjoy the podcast!