Magdalena Gschnitzer

Episode 16 - Sharks: The Motivation and Importance of Conservation Efforts | Randall Arauz

Founder of "Fins Attached" and project leader at the "Save our Seas Foundation"

2021-09-29 45 min

Description & Show Notes

Welcome to our 16th episode of the SANUSPLANET Podcast!

If you think about Costa Rica, you might have a beautiful and green ecotourism country in your mind, right? But what about the ocean around Costa Rica? Did you know, that there are thousands and thousands of sharks caught for their fins and as well as bycatch of the fishing industry yearly from this beautiful ecotourism country? 

Randall Arauz is an environmentalist in Costa Rica and head of the organizations "Fins Attached" and a project leader at the "Save our Seas Foundation". In 2010 he was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for his efforts on the protection of sharks. He was also awarded The Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development the same year. 
Randall founded the grass-roots Sea Turtle Restoration Program Network (PRETOMA) in 1997 and worked closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Congress to urge the UN to ban shark finning and stop all long-line fishing in the eastern Pacific's international waters. 

In this podcast episode you'll get to know a lot about the background of the shark finning industry and how it is possible for an eco tourism country to still catch endangered species of CITES despite the international law. 
Find out, how you can support sharks and become a shark rescuer with easy daily actions. 

To know more about Randall and his organizations, click on the following links: 

Fins Attached:

Save our Seas Foundation:


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