Magdalena Gschnitzer

Episode 19 - Cycling Across the Globe with 'Give it a Go - Say Hello | Joe Diomede

Cyclist, world traveller, writer & vlogger

2021-10-20 45 min

Description & Show Notes

Did you ever want to travel the world? 

Our guest for the new episode of the SANUSPLANET Podcast was cycling around the for many years. Joe Diomede is a cyclist, world traveller, a writer and a vlogger. He shares one of the most sustainable ways of travelling as a passionate cyclist. Joe is a man with an open mindset, a beautiful consciousness and a great view on the world.

Maggy met Joe in the Pyrenees in France and interviewed him in his beautiful backyard. Joe wrote several books, where he mainly shares the experience he gathered from around the world. 
One of his big projects is the "Give it a go (-say hello)" campaign. Joe feels, that there are too many addictions in the world of today, such as the addiction to the phone screen. That was the reason why he started the "Give it a go" project to make people realize, that we can learn so much from talking to other people, instead of looking on a screen 24/7. In his opinion, humans are focused so much on money richness, forgetting the beauty of time richness. 

You can listen to Joe's podcast here:

And there is even one podcast episode, where he interviewed Maggy on her documentary project HOPE:

You can as well listen to the SANUSPLANET Podcast here: 

Apple Podcast

Have fun!