Magdalena Gschnitzer

Episode 32 - Unlocking Happiness and Purpose in Limited Circumstances | Patrick Oloomali Kotonto

Maasai and activist from Kenia - Namunyak Girl Child Education

2022-02-09 26 min

Description & Show Notes

There are millions of people in this world who have no water at all, let alone clean drinking water. Most of us in the "western world" can't even imagine what that really means, because all we have to do is go to the water tap and turn it on. Many even take that for granted. 

For today's podcast, Maggy interviews activist Patrick Oloomali Kotonto from Kenya. Patrick is a Maasai who is a strong advocate for his community. The right to water, education, and food are at the forefront of his concerns. 

In this podcast, you'll get to know an insanely inspiring person. Even though, or maybe because, there has been a severe drought in Kenya for the last 5 months and therefore no food is growing in Patrick's permaculture garden for his community, he is working on his positive mindset every day. This supports him to continue to be strong for the residents of his community even in such difficult times. As a vegetarian, Patrick also wants to provide animals with a life worth living. 

Listen to this podcast episode. It highlights once again how little people need to live a happy life and how much a healthy mindset helps keep hope alive. 

If you want to support Patrick directly, you can do so by donating to his Gofundme:

If you want to know more about the SANUSPLANET Foundation, who and how we support, go to:

Enjoy the podcast!