Magdalena Gschnitzer

Episode 78 - Voices for Change: How advocating animal rights leads to ban fur farms | Laura Broxson

Founder of NARA

2023-12-20 36 min

Description & Show Notes

Have you ever thought about the cruelty of fur? If so, then you know how bad our fashion can be for animals. Today Maggy talks to animal and human rights activist Laura Broxson from Dublin, Ireland. Laura shares with us her decision to start campaigning for animals at a very young age, which led to her founding the National Animal Rights Association (NARA) in 2007. With this association, Laura launches many campaigns on various issues to help ensure that animal rights are finally recognized in our society. With the help of her efforts and many other activists, fur farms are now banned in Ireland, for example.
What a huge success!

One change has been achieved and the next is already waiting. Laura's main priority now is to ban the brutal hare racing with dogs. Because, as is so often the case, it's all about people's leisure activities, in this case betting on which dog will catch the hare first. The hares are usually released after the hunt, injured, completely panicked and exhausted. Many do not survive.

Many bans, such as the one on fur farms, are thanks to all the people who raise their voices for the animals. If you also want to give your voice to the animals, you will find an e-mail text here, which you can simply copy and send to the attached list of politicians in Ireland. Laura's efforts clearly show that email campaigns have an impact too.

Listen to today's episode and get a feel for what the animals are facing. You can use your voice for change.

To learn more about NARA go to:

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, from Maggy and the whole team at the