Magdalena Gschnitzer

Episode 9 - The Activist Chef: A Journey Through Passion and Plants | Nikki Botha

Activist from South Africa

2021-08-11 50 min

Description & Show Notes

Welcome to the SANUSPLANET Podcast

Our guest for this week is a very beautiful and strong woman: Nikki Botha! Nikki is an activist and plant based chef from South Africa. For over 15 years she has been working as a volunteer for various environmental and marine conservation organizations, such as Sea Shepherd. Together with our activist Magdalena Gschnitzer, do-founder of the SANUSPLANET Foundation, Nikki was on the Faroe Islands in 2014 to protect pilot whales from a tradition called "grindadrap". There Nikki and Maggy were arrested when they stood in the cold water between the whales and the whalers to give the animals a chance to survive. These difficult experiences connect the the two activists and bounded their close friendship strongly. 

In recent years, Nikki has been traveling with her camera in China and Nepal to document many more "traditions" like the Gadhimai Festival and the Dog Meat Festival, where she faced animal cruelty on the highest level. Now Nikki is working on the production of a documentary while she's teaching how to cook delicious, purely plant-based dishes. 

The most important and strongest message from Nikki is: "Change always started with someONE! BE THE ONE!"

An episode about animal and human rights, about how difficult it can be to keep hope and keep going on as an acitivist, but also about the importance of never giving up, even in these difficult moments. 

Have fun with this episode!

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